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Patient Notice: Since all compounded medications are unique, please note that they may take up to a week to prepare.

Palliative Care


Palliative care is the care given to patients that is not intended to cure a disease, but relieve the stress and symptoms caused by it as best as possible. Palliative care is often focused on patients who are ill with very serious diseases and thus require medicine that is personalized to their needs. These medications can be used for conditions like pain, nausea and vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, anxiety, trouble breathing, and more.

Nausea and vomiting are associated with many diseases of palliative care, and need to be handled appropriately to prevent the progression to further problems. Different patients will experience different types and severities of nausea, and need to be approached in a way that specifically fits the patient’s needs. If a patient is frequently vomiting, a traditional oral medication will not be the ideal choice. Compounded anti-emetics offer the ability to bypass this problem by providing dosage forms like transdermal gels, lollipops, suppositories, and more.

Dry Mouth:
Dry mouth is often associated with patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, and can pose many problems to their health. Dry mouth is uncomfortable for the patient, which can lead to decreased appetite and malabsorption. The lack of saliva in the mouth can also lead to poor digestion of carbohydrates and infections in the jaw and teeth.

Many patients in palliative care suffer from shortness of breath, or dyspnea, associated with their different disease states. These symptoms can be stressful and painful, and should be addressed to improve the patient’s well being.